According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) West Nile Virus (W.N.V.) is spread by an infected mosquito that, once bitten by, can cause serious, life-altering and even fatal consequences.
West Nile Virus Facts:
This past year there were 1282 reported cases of infection in the state of California alone and a total of 9,873 reported cases for the entire United States. Since 1999, there have been 30,662 human disease cases in the U.S.A, with a combined total of 1,208 Deaths reported since 1999.
The number of W.N.V. human cases peak in the month of April, May, June, July, August and September when the amount of airborne mosquitoes increase due the increased amount of eggs hatching in warm stagnant water. The epidemic may also continue well into the fall season.
Unfortunately, there is no specific treatment for the West Nile Virus infection, and the medical community stresses that the best way to avoid it is by prevention. One of CDC's recommendations to minimize your risk of getting infected with the W.N.V. is to Mosquito-Proof Your Home. The C.D.C. highly recommends the use of custom built door and window screens on all openings to keep the mosquitoes outdoors.
We understand how valuable and irreplaceable your family members are to you. Our team is here to help you address these health concerns and protect your family by minimizing the risk of getting the West Nile Virus infection, by adding ScreenEze to your doors and windows. Call us today for an immediate solution in minimizing the risk of getting infected by West Nile Virus.
ScreenEze is a patented removable but yet fixed screen system. ScreenEze features an extruded solid aluminum base channel and a window grade vinyl cap which is snapped together and attached to your desired screening application. ScreenEze allows you to design and build the innovative screen porch that you want. ScreenEze automatically holds and uniformly stretches the screen material once installed.
